A cartoon image of a masked superhero in a dark, sleek suit holding a shield, symbolising email security and protecting business from incoming phishin

Is Microsoft 365 Email Security Enough?


In today’s digital world, there’s one thing that can make or break your business. And no, it’s not “cat videos” (as entertaining as they may be). The real game-changer here is email security, especially if you’re using Microsoft 365.

Why Microsoft 365?

It’s no secret that phishing attacks have become incredibly common, where 92% of malware is delivered via email, and with Microsoft 365 being used by hundreds of thousands of businesses across the globe it makes it a prime target.

Phishing attacks are like that annoying mosquito that just won’t leave you alone when you’re trying to sleep. Except in this case, the mosquito is going after Microsoft 365 users, trying to suck the lifeblood of your business – your data. It’s more than just a nuisance—it’s a serious threat to your valuable data!

The Limitations of Microsoft 365 Email Security

Now, let’s be clear. Microsoft 365 does offer some built-in security features for emails. But relying solely on these features might not be enough to protect your business from sophisticated cyber threats. It’s like going into a battle armed with only a knife when your opponent has a gun.

That’s where we start looking for upgrades to give our knife the ability to cut through and fairly compete against cyberattacks. Microsoft give you the foundations and you have to add email security services that can compliments Microsoft’s 365 built-in email security.

There are lots services that can you can use with Microsoft 365 like Mimecast, Baracuda, SpamTitan and so on. We use Vade Secure. This is an advanced solution that integrates with Microsoft 365 to provide extra layers of protection against evolving email threats by using AI and machine learning.

“Depending solely on Microsoft 365 email security might be like bringing a knife to a gunfight.”

Understanding Microsoft 365 Email Security

Before you go off and look into various email security services you need to understand what Microsoft has in place to protect you and your emails.

When you initially set up your Microsoft 365 account the chances are you have purchased either Microsoft 365 Business Exchange, Basic or Standard license as these fit your needs. These are fine however, they only come with basic spam and malware filtering (Exchange Online Protection) whereas the premium version comes with Defender for Office 365 giving you extra security.

Exchange Online Protection (EOP)

Think of EOP as the bouncer at the club entrance, deciding who gets to join your inbox party:

  • Spam Filtering: EOP effectively blocks those annoying junk emails from flooding your inbox.
  • Malware Detection: It actively scans for known malware, ensuring that your email environment remains safe and secure.

Defender for Office 365

While EOP handles the initial screening, Defender for Office 365 works behind the scenes like a skilled secret agent, equipped with advanced tools to safeguard high-value targets against more complex attacks.

However, it’s important to note that even though EOP is doing its best to stay on top of things, there are certain types of threats where its capabilities may fall short:

  1. Spear Phishing: These are personalised messages crafted by hackers to deceive their targets, and sometimes EOP may struggle to identify them amidst the sea of legitimate emails.
  2. Zero-day Attacks: These are newly discovered vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit before a fix is available. EOP may not have the ability to detect such emerging threats right away.

While EOP and Defender provide a solid baseline of protection, they may not be sufficient against highly sophisticated cyberattacks. It’s like relying on an old umbrella during a light rain shower—it’ll keep you somewhat dry, but won’t stand a chance against a full-blown hurricane.

The Risks of Relying Solely on Microsoft 365 Basic Email Security (EOP)

It’s worth noting that the landscape of online crime is ever-changing and cybercriminals are ceaselessly innovating new strategies to penetrate even the most robust defenses. Trusting solely on Microsoft 365’s built-in security is not sufficient to combat sophisticated cyber attacks. Seeing as most business owners usually opt for the basic packages (Basic or Standard) that Microsoft offer it’s important to know some of the limitations of their email security.

  1. Advanced Phishing Attacks: Cybercriminals are unyielding in their quest for innovative ways to deceive users. Long gone are the days of ‘Nigerian prince’ emails; today’s criminals create messages so persuasive they could rival a seasoned actor especially with the recent AI developments. These phishing attacks cunningly impersonate trusted sources, stealing login details quicker than you can utter “malicious email.”
  2. Camouflaged Threats: Imagine locating a chameleon amidst lush greenery – that’s how stealthy camouflaged malware operates. It remains hidden in broad daylight, effortlessly bypassing traditional filters and leaving your system as vulnerable as a celebrity’s phone number leaked on social media. On average it takes 49 days to identify and contain ransomware and considering Microsofts 365 native email security are typically known to struggle to keep up with evolving tactics, it’s not ideal for businesses. That being said, Microsoft are constantly developing their services and adding new security measures.
  3. Brand Spoofing: Cyberattacks will try to mimic other well known brands to gain your trust so you hand over your information and data. Ideally you want a system that would be able to detect whether it has come from a legitimate source.
  4. Safe Links: We’ve all received an suspicious looking email which contained a link but you’re not sure where it leads to. More advanced services can follow a link and scan the website, and any attachments, to make sure that there is nothing nasty lurking.

So what’s the key takeaway? Depending solely on Microsoft 365’s built-in security is akin to using a colander to transport water – it just can’t withstand the sophisticated attacks that today’s cybercriminals are capable of launching.

Introducing Vade Secure: The Ultimate Defense Against Email Threats for M365

So, what makes Vade Secure so special? It’s all about the tech. Vade Secure is loaded with cutting-edge AI and Machine Learning algorithms that do some serious detective work on your emails. They analyse email behaviour patterns – think of it as digital body language – to identify previously unseen attacks with a level of accuracy that would make Sherlock Holmes green with envy.

Vade Secure also comes equipped with its very own 007 gadget in the form of URL rewriting technology. This feature ensures that users are directed to legitimate websites, even when cybercriminals try to lure them down darker alleys with maliciously crafted URLs in phishing emails. It’s like having an ultra-intelligent guard dog for your inbox that not only barks at the bad guys but also guides you safely across the digital landscape.

In essence, Vade Secure is no ordinary email security solution. It’s a vigilant protector powered by advanced technology, always ready to counteract evolving threats and keep your Microsoft 365 environment secure.

Key Benefits of Vade Secure for Microsoft 365 Email Protection

Vade Secure brings an arsenal of benefits to the table when paired with Microsoft 365’s native security controls.

So, what makes Vade Secure so special?

1. Proactive Defense Against Zero-Day Attacks

No need to wait for disaster to strike. Vade Secure is always scrutinising each and every email in real-time for any signs of trouble (cough zero-day attacks cough). It uses advanced AI and Machine Learning algorithms for this purpose. The moment it spots a suspicious indicator, it springs into action, blocking the threat before it can wreak havoc.

2. Mitigation of BEC Scams

Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams are a nightmare for organisations everywhere. They involve cybercriminals impersonating high-level executives in order to trick employees into making unauthorised transactions. With Vade Secure it can effectively identify and block such cunningly crafted emails, ensuring your organisation doesn’t fall victim to these deceptive tactics.

3. Protection from Ransomware Attacks

Another feather in Vade Secure’s cap is its ability to provide robust protection against ransomware attacks. These attacks can lock users out of their own data until a hefty ransom is paid. But thanks to Vade Secure’s advanced threat detection capabilities, such attacks are identified and neutralised before they can cause any harm.

Vade Secure isn’t just another email security solution; it’s a comprehensive shield that offers round-the-clock protection against an array of evolving threats.

The Importance of a Comprehensive Email Security Strategy

You’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” right? Well, it applies to your email security strategy too. A well-rounded defense doesn’t rely on a single solution. It’s all about layered defense. Why? Because threats are diverse and constantly evolving. This means your defenses need to be equally diverse and continuously updated.

The magic happens when you combine technological solutions like Microsoft’s EOP with Vade Secure with continuous user security awareness training programs. It’s like having John Wick and his dog in your arsenal.

Vade Secure: Your Digital Bodyguard

Vade Secure isn’t just any bodyguard. It’s the kind that slips into the background, seamlessly integrating with Microsoft 365 environments. It quietly adds another layer of protection, enhancing EOP without causing disruptions or making your emails take the scenic route.

User Awareness Training: Your Cyber Sniffer Dog

While Vade Secure battles it out with cyber threats, user awareness training programs help your team recognise potential dangers. They learn to spot phishing attempts, avoid questionable downloads, and double-check before clicking on that ‘OMG-you-won-a-million-pounds’ email.

Together, Vade Secure and user awareness training form an impressive tag team for comprehensive email security.

Remember: The key to a robust email defense is not relying on on a single line of defence but assembling a multi layered approached ready to take on any incoming threats.


Email security is like the hidden weapon for your Microsoft 365 subscription. Sure, you’ve got powers with just the suit, but why not add that extra flair (and protection) with a gadget like Vade Secure? It’s not just about having the latest tech — it’s about staying safe in a world where cyber villains are getting craftier by the minute.

Here’s why Vade Secure is a great email security solution for your Microsoft 365:

  1. Beef Up Your Email Armor: With threats lurking in every corner of the digital universe, strengthening your email defenses isn’t just smart; it’s essential. You want to keep those cyber nasties at bay. Vade Secure’s your trusty shield.
  2. Complement Built-In Defenses: Think of Vade Secure as the perfect gadget to Microsoft 365’s native security controls. It brings AI to the fight against those sneaky phishing attacks and zero-day threats.
  3. Educate, Educate, Educate: Combine Vade Secure with a sprinkle of user security awareness, and you’ve got yourself an impenetrable fortress. Train your team to spot phishing faster than they can say “suspicious email alert!”
  4. Here to Help: Need a hand setting up Vade Secure or managing your Microsoft 365 tenant security? Fincomp is on standby! We’re talking seamless integration and support that makes tech woes disappear. Just reach out, and we’ll be there faster than you can type support@fincomp.co.uk.

Whether you’re batting away pesky phishing attempts or locking down sensitive data tighter than Fort Knox — remember, when it comes to email security, layer up and stay educated! 🛡️💡

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the importance of email security for individuals and businesses?

Email security is crucial for both individuals and businesses to protect sensitive information, prevent unauthorised access, and maintain the integrity of communications. It helps in safeguarding personal data, financial details, and confidential business information from falling into the wrong hands.

Why are phishing attacks a major concern for Microsoft 365 users?

Phishing attacks pose a significant threat to Microsoft 365 users as cybercriminals often target them with sophisticated email scams designed to steal login credentials, distribute malware, or trick users into making fraudulent transactions. These attacks can bypass traditional email filters and cause substantial damage if not effectively mitigated.

What are the limitations of Exchange Online Protection (EOP) in Microsoft 365?

While EOP is effective in filtering out spam and known malware from incoming emails, it has limitations when it comes to detecting and blocking advanced email threats such as spear phishing and zero-day attacks. This leaves organisations vulnerable to evolving tactics used by cybercriminals to bypass traditional email filters.

How does Vade Secure provide comprehensive protection against evolving email threats for M365 subscribers?

Vade Secure offers comprehensive protection by utilizing advanced techniques like AI & Machine Learning algorithms to analyze email behavior patterns and identify previously unseen attacks with high accuracy. It also features URL rewriting technology, which ensures that users are directed to legitimate websites even if the original URLs are maliciously crafted in phishing emails.

What specific benefits can organizations enjoy by leveraging Vade Secure alongside Microsoft 365’s native security controls?

By leveraging Vade Secure alongside Microsoft 365’s native security controls, organizations can benefit from proactive defense against zero-day attacks, mitigation of the risk of BEC scams, and protection against ransomware attacks. Vade Secure provides an additional layer of security without causing disruptions in the Microsoft 365 environment.

Why is a layered approach to email security important?

A layered approach to email security is important because it combines technological solutions like Vade Secure with user awareness training programs, providing a more robust defense against evolving threats. Vade Secure seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365 environments, adding an extra layer of protection without causing disruptions.

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